USECASE: Building a disease-disease similairty netwrok¶
- DBRetina is an efficent tool for building a similarity network for a set of items by pairwaise calcuation of their shared features using a linear-time algorithm.
- DisGeNET has one of the largest collections of genes associated to human diseases.
- In this tutorial, we will use DBRetina to build a disease-disease similairty netwrok based on the shared number of genes asscoiated with them in the DisGeNET database
In [1]:
## Download the most recent version of disease gene associations from DisGeNET
if [ ! -f all_gene_disease_associations.tsv ];then
wget --quiet
gunzip all_gene_disease_associations.tsv.gz
else echo "all_gene_disease_associations.tsv file exists in the disgenet DB";fi
## Download the most recent version of disease gene associations from DisGeNET
if [ ! -f all_gene_disease_associations.tsv ];then
wget --quiet
gunzip all_gene_disease_associations.tsv.gz
else echo "all_gene_disease_associations.tsv file exists in the disgenet DB";fi
In [2]:
head -n3 all_gene_disease_associations.tsv | tr '\t' ',' | sed 's/ //g'
## Here are some quaility matrices
# Score: estimate for the curation and size of evidence
# DSI (Disease Specificity Index): Some genes are associated wiht multiple diseases (e.g. TNF) while others are more specific
# DPI (Disease Pleiotropy Index): similar but consider the disease similarity based on MeSH classes
head -n3 all_gene_disease_associations.tsv | tr '\t' ',' | sed 's/ //g'
## Here are some quaility matrices
# Score: estimate for the curation and size of evidence
# DSI (Disease Specificity Index): Some genes are associated wiht multiple diseases (e.g. TNF) while others are more specific
# DPI (Disease Pleiotropy Index): similar but consider the disease similarity based on MeSH classes
geneId,geneSymbol,DSI,DPI,diseaseId,diseaseName,diseaseType,diseaseClass,diseaseSemanticType,score,EI,YearInitial,YearFinal,NofPmids,NofSnps,source 1,A1BG,0.7,0.538,C0001418,Adenocarcinoma,group,C04,NeoplasticProcess,0.01,1,2008,2008,1,0,LHGDN 1,A1BG,0.7,0.538,C0002736,AmyotrophicLateralSclerosis,disease,C18;C10,DiseaseorSyndrome,0.01,1,2008,2008,1,0,BEFREE
In [4]:
## transform the data table into the DBRetina format
## DBRetina expects 2 files. Both are tab-separated files with two columns. Files must have header lines
## 1) Associations file: The 1st column for "items" and the 2nd for their asscoiated "features".
## 2) Super-association file: The 1st column for "items" and the 2nd for their "aliases". You can use this column to update the item name or if you want to pool multiple items together as one super item otherwise the 2nd column should be a copy of the 1st column
## In addition, we will filter the input list to keep trusted disease-gene associations only (DisGeNET score > 0.3)
cat all_gene_disease_associations.tsv | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t";}{if($10>0.3)print $6,$2}' > disgenet.asc
tail -n+2 disgenet.asc | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t";}{print $1,$1}' | sort | uniq > disgenet.names
## transform the data table into the DBRetina format
## DBRetina expects 2 files. Both are tab-separated files with two columns. Files must have header lines
## 1) Associations file: The 1st column for "items" and the 2nd for their asscoiated "features".
## 2) Super-association file: The 1st column for "items" and the 2nd for their "aliases". You can use this column to update the item name or if you want to pool multiple items together as one super item otherwise the 2nd column should be a copy of the 1st column
## In addition, we will filter the input list to keep trusted disease-gene associations only (DisGeNET score > 0.3)
cat all_gene_disease_associations.tsv | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t";}{if($10>0.3)print $6,$2}' > disgenet.asc
tail -n+2 disgenet.asc | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t";}{print $1,$1}' | sort | uniq > disgenet.names
In [5]:
## Let us explore the format of the prepared filed
echo "DisGeNET input file"
wc -l all_gene_disease_associations.tsv
echo "==================="
echo "Associations file"
wc -l disgenet.asc
echo "-------------------"
head -n3 disgenet.asc
echo "==================="
echo "Super-associations file"
wc -l disgenet.names
echo "-------------------"
head -n3 disgenet.names
## Let us explore the format of the prepared filed
echo "DisGeNET input file"
wc -l all_gene_disease_associations.tsv
echo "==================="
echo "Associations file"
wc -l disgenet.asc
echo "-------------------"
head -n3 disgenet.asc
echo "==================="
echo "Super-associations file"
wc -l disgenet.names
echo "-------------------"
head -n3 disgenet.names
DisGeNET input file 1134943 all_gene_disease_associations.tsv =================== Associations file 33012 disgenet.asc ------------------- diseaseName geneSymbol Alzheimer's Disease A2M Malignant tumor of colon A2M =================== Super-associations file 8155 disgenet.names ------------------- 11-Beta-hydroxylase deficiency 11-Beta-hydroxylase deficiency 12q14 microdeletion syndrome 12q14 microdeletion syndrome 17,20-Lyase Deficiency, Isolated 17,20-Lyase Deficiency, Isolated
In [ ]:
## Now we can run DBRetina
DBRetina index --asc disgenet.asc --names disgenet.names --output disgenetDBR
DBRetina pairwise --index-prefix disgenetDBR
# The output of DBRetina pairwise includes:
# 1) A table of pairwise combinations "${kPro_index}_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv". The table show different distance measures
# 2) A JSON stat file and histograms to allow exploring the distributions of these distance measures
## Now we can run DBRetina
DBRetina index --asc disgenet.asc --names disgenet.names --output disgenetDBR
DBRetina pairwise --index-prefix disgenetDBR
# The output of DBRetina pairwise includes:
# 1) A table of pairwise combinations "${kPro_index}_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv". The table show different distance measures
# 2) A JSON stat file and histograms to allow exploring the distributions of these distance measures
In [7]:
# Have a look on the output pairwise file
head disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv
# Have a look on the output pairwise file
head disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv
#nodes:8155 #command: DBRetina index --asc /home/jovyan/disgenet.asc --names /home/jovyan/disgenet.names --output disgenetDBR #command: DBRetina pairwise --index-prefix disgenetDBR group_1_ID group_2_ID group_1_name group_2_name shared_features min_containment avg_containment max_containment ochiai jaccard 3569 3672 major depressive disorder toxic shock syndrome 1 0.4 25.2 50.0 4.6 0.4 4366 5100 bipolar disorder hemophilia a 1 0.2 25.1 50.0 3.5 0.2 2861 4500 neuroblastoma giant cell glioblastoma 1 2.3 8.3 14.3 5.7 2.0 2856 4816 adult type dermatomyositis dermatomyositis, childhood type 3 50.0 75.0 100.0 70.7 50.0 696 6570 diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent hyperglycemia 4 9.8 13.6 17.4 13.0 6.7 4571 7616 malignant tumor of colon hepatoblastoma 5 4.4 33.5 62.5 16.6 4.3
In [8]:
# How many pairwise combinations did we do?
echo "The number of pairwise combinations =" $(wc -l disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv | cut -d" " -f1)
# How many pairwise combinations did we do?
echo "The number of pairwise combinations =" $(wc -l disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv | cut -d" " -f1)
The number of pairwise combinations = 165827
In [9]:
# Now, let us have a look on the distance metrics histogram
from IPython.display import Image
# Now, let us have a look on the distance metrics histogram
from IPython.display import Image
In [10]:
DBRetina cluster --pairwise disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv --dist-type min_cont --cutoff 50 -o min_cont_50
## DBRetina cluster uses graph partitioning approach to recognize weakly connected componenets using one of the measure distance metrics
## To increase the partitioning of the graph, adding a cutoff will filter the low pairwise similarities on the fly and thus increase the number of clusters.
## Clustering produces a cluster file as well as a histogram and a bubble plot for the cluster sizes.
DBRetina cluster --pairwise disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv --dist-type min_cont --cutoff 50 -o min_cont_50
## DBRetina cluster uses graph partitioning approach to recognize weakly connected componenets using one of the measure distance metrics
## To increase the partitioning of the graph, adding a cutoff will filter the low pairwise similarities on the fly and thus increase the number of clusters.
## Clustering produces a cluster file as well as a histogram and a bubble plot for the cluster sizes.
[INFO] Loading TSV pairwise file [INFO] Building the main graph...
[i] constructing graph
[INFO] Clustering... [INFO] writing min_cont_50_clusters.tsv [INFO] plotting cluster sizes histogram and bubble plot [INFO] Total number of clustered supergroups: 5132 [INFO] number of clusters: 1216
In [11]:
# Let us have a look on the cluster file
head min_cont_50_clusters.tsv
# Let us have a look on the cluster file
head min_cont_50_clusters.tsv
#nodes:8155 #command: DBRetina index --asc /home/jovyan/disgenet.asc --names /home/jovyan/disgenet.names --output disgenetDBR #command: DBRetina pairwise --index-prefix disgenetDBR #command: DBRetina cluster --pairwise /home/jovyan/disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv --dist-type min_cont --cutoff 50 -o /home/jovyan/min_cont_50 cluster_id cluster_size cluster_members 1 5 nephropathic cystinosis|cystinosis, benign, nonnephropathic|cystinosis, atypical nephropathic (disorder)|cystinosis|juvenile nephropathic cystinosis (disorder) 2 310 enchondroma|malignant neoplasm of adrenal cortex|glioma susceptibility 2|salivary gland neoplasms|adenocarcinoma of colon|balkan nephropathy|endometrial stromal sarcoma, high grade|genitourinary cancer|squamous cell carcinoma of mouth|carcinoma, cribriform|erdheim-chester disease|craniofacial dysostosis|carcinoma, granular cell|anaplastic oligodendroglioma|robinow sorauf syndrome|diffuse astrocytoma|ameloblastoma|adrenocortical carcinoma, hereditary|desmoid disease, hereditary|bile duct carcinoma|intestinal cancer|kallmann syndrome 1|small cell carcinoma of ovary|melanoma, cutaneous malignant, susceptibility to, 3|secretory meningioma|polyposis, adenomatous intestinal|single seizure|polydactyly, postaxial, type a1|melanoma, cutaneous malignant, susceptibility to, 5|streptozotocin diabetes|hepatoma, morris|photosensitive trichothiodystrophy|cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 2|cancer of urinary tract|leopard syndrome 3|peripheral nerve sheath neoplasm|craniosynostosis 4|basal cell carcinoma, susceptibility to, 7|vacterl association|craniodiaphyseal dysplasia, autosomal dominant (disorder)|neuroma, acoustic, bilateral|osteoporosis with pseudoglioma|cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 3|aortic diseases|congenital absence of tibia|ras-associated autoimmune leukoproliferative disorder|myasthenic syndrome, congenital, 17|gemistocytic astrocytoma|cancer of nasopharynx|rheumatoid arthritis, systemic juvenile|mental deficiency|adenoma, microcystic|craniofacial dysostosis type 1|vater association|syndactyly, type 2|glioma susceptibility 1|cervix carcinoma|mental retardation, autosomal dominant 15|myocardial failure|metaphyseal enchondromatosis with d-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria|acrodysostosis 2 with or without hormone resistance|primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease|neurofibromatosis, familial spinal|vulvar lichen sclerosus|myxoma|carney complex, type 1|sarcoma, spindle cell|adult hepatocellular carcinoma|postaxial polydactyly, type b|sphenoid wing meningioma|keutel syndrome|fibromatosis, abdominal|meningioma, familial, susceptibility to|hematochezia|neurocutaneous melanosis|head and neck carcinoma|pten hamartoma tumor syndrome|acrodysostosis|syndactyly, type v|cowden syndrome 6|anaplastic oligoastrocytoma|adrenal gland neoplasms|childhood hepatocellular carcinoma|aseptic meningitis|trigonocephaly|carcinomatosis of peritoneal cavity|scaphocephaly and axenfeld-rieger anomaly|hepatoma, novikoff|macrocephaly with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia and distinctive facies|advanced bone age|rhabdoid tumor predisposition syndrome|sclerosteosis 1|plagiocephaly|winter shortland temple syndrome|childhood oligodendroglioma|macrocephaly/autism syndrome|adenocarcinoma, oxyphilic|chondroma|rhabdoid tumor predisposition syndrome 2|histiocytosis, langerhans-cell|neurofibromatosis 2|synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, and osteitis syndrome|saethre-chotzen syndrome|fibrillary astrocytoma|pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease, primary, 2|nevus sebaceous|organoid nevus phakomatosis|gallbladder neoplasm|brachydactyly, type e1|lacrimoauriculodentodigital syndrome|squamous cell carcinoma of tongue|malignant lymphoma - lymphocytic, intermediate differentiation|acoustic neuroma|cardiotoxicity|li-fraumeni syndrome|thymic carcinoma|liposarcoma, pleomorphic|bowen's disease|endometrial hyperplasia|bannayan-riley-ruvalcaba syndrome|adult oligodendroglioma|hydrolethalus syndrome|syringocystadenoma papilliferum|van buchem disease type 2|follicular thyroid carcinoma|central nervous system neoplasms|angioma|polydactyly, postaxial|lhermitte-duclos disease|cutis gyrata syndrome of beare and stevenson|erythrocytosis, familial, 2|cerebrooculofacioskeletal syndrome 2|lipomatosis|melanoma-pancreatic cancer syndrome|acrocephaly|skin abnormalities|adenoma, basal cell|colorectal cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis, type 4|malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract|neurofibromatoses|adult malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor|pfeiffer syndrome|neoplastic cell transformation|polycystic liver disease 4 with or without kidney cysts|craniosynostosis, type 1|maffucci syndrome|macrocephaly, macrosomia, and facial dysmorphism syndrome|lipoma|hereditary melanoma|craniopharyngioma|nongerminomatous germ cell tumor|nerve sheath tumors|meningothelial meningioma|schwannomatosis|adamantinous craniopharyngioma|brachydactyly-syndactyly-oligodactyly syndrome|syndactyly|encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis|neurofibromatosis, type 1-like syndrome|pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease, primary, 1 (disorder)|melanoma astrocytoma syndrome|synostotic anterior plagiocephaly|adenocarcinoma, basal cell|antley-bixler syndrome with disordered steroidogenesis|adrenal cancer|scaphocephaly, maxillary retrusion, and mental retardation|metopic synostosis|papillary craniopharyngioma|cafe-au-lait spots|trichothiodystrophy, nonphotosensitive 1|hemangioma|oligodendroglioma|acrodysostosis 1 with or without hormone resistance|bone marrow failure syndrome 5|nonepileptic seizures|kallmann syndrome 2 (disorder)|acrocallosal syndrome|brachydactyly, type d|malignant neoplasm of penis|hypothalamic hamartomas|congenital hypoplasia of radius|adenocarcinoma, clear cell|familial atypical mole melanoma syndrome|juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma|carney complex|antley-bixler syndrome phenotype|inflammatory skin and bowel disease, neonatal, 2|carcinoma in situ of uterine cervix|holoprosencephaly, ectrodactyly, and bilateral cleft lip-palate|childhood malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor|enchondromatosis|brachydactyly-syndactyly syndrome|angiolymphoid hyperplasia|malignant neoplasm of gallbladder|malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor|pilomyxoid astrocytoma|sarcoma, epithelioid|familial non-medullary thyroid cancer|d-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria 1|rhabdoid tumor predisposition syndrome 1 (disorder)|torg-winchester syndrome|jackson-weiss syndrome|oculocutaneous albinism type 2|chitayat syndrome|nevus sebaceus of jadassohn|van buchem disease|transitional cell carcinoma of bladder|ischemia|complex craniosynostosis|arteriovenous malformations, cerebral|craniodiaphyseal dysplasia|olfactory groove meningioma|antley-bixler syndrome with genital anomalies and disordered steroidogenesis|nf1 microdeletion syndrome|brown oculocutaneous albinism|vascular calcification|noonan syndrome 6|gastrointestinal hemorrhage|neurofibromatosis 1|exudative vitreoretinopathy 7|exudative vitreoretinopathy 4 (disorder)|fibromatosis, aggressive|xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group d|experimental hepatoma|proteus syndrome|polysyndactyly|nevus, epidermal (disorder)|neurofibromatosis-noonan syndrome|adult craniopharyngioma|d-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria 2|gastrointestinal neoplasms|polydactyly, preaxial 4|rhabdoid tumor|interfrontal craniofaciosynostosis|well differentiated oligodendroglioma|neurofibroma|bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinoma|osteopetrosis, autosomal dominant 1|sclerosteosis|choroid plexus carcinoma|syndactyly cenani lenz type|atypical endometrial hyperplasia|atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor|bent bone dysplasia syndrome|malignant tumor of cervix|thymoma|worth disease|chromosome 8p11 myeloproliferative syndrome|sclerosteosis 2|atrial myxoma, familial|sweeney-cox syndrome|hydrolethalus syndrome 2|noonan syndrome 3|postaxial polydactyly type a|intracranial meningioma|laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma|alloxan diabetes|keratosis|teratoid tumor, atypical|transitional meningioma|von hippel-lindau syndrome|genitourinary neoplasms|hemimegalencephaly|apert syndrome|currarino triad|synostotic posterior plagiocephaly|tumors of adrenal cortex|psammomatous meningioma|acrocephalosyndactylia|malignant rhabdoid tumor, somatic|arnold chiari malformation|adenomatous polyps|trichorrhexis nodosa syndrome|coffin-siris syndrome 4|hydrolethalus syndrome 1|melanocytic nevus|papillomatosis|kaposi sarcoma|skin/hair/eye pigmentation, variation in, 1|mental retardation, autosomal dominant 19|greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome|carney complex, type 2|thyroid cancer, nonmedullary, 2|schwannomatosis 1|proteus-like syndrome (disorder)|hairy cell leukemia|gardner syndrome|antley-bixler syndrome, autosomal dominant|congenital melanocytic nevus|cafe-au-lait macules with pulmonary stenosis|spinal meningioma|neurofibrosarcoma|familial meningioma|multiple renal cysts|familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer|combined d-2- and l-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria|aplasia cutis congenita with epibulbar dermoids|saethre-chotzen syndrome with eyelid anomalies|osteoglophonic dwarfism|noonan syndrome 7|choroid plexus papilloma|intracardiac myxoma|bone mineral density quantitative trait locus 1|progesterone resistance|pallister-hall syndrome|meningiomas, multiple|thymus neoplasms|melanoma, cutaneous malignant, susceptibility to, 2|mixed oligodendroglioma-astrocytoma|giant pigmented hairy nevus 3 4 tyrosinemias|tyrosinemia, type i|tyrosinemia, type iii|hawkinsinuria 4 2 myosclerosis|myosclerosis, autosomal recessive 5 12 tietz syndrome|albinism, tyrosinase-negative|oculocutaneous albinism type 1|albinism|albinism, ocular, with sensorineural deafness (disorder)|pigmentation disorders|oculocutaneous albinism type 1a|waardenburg syndrome, type iia|coloboma, osteopetrosis, microphthalmia, macrocephaly, albinism, and deafness|skin/hair/eye pigmentation, variation in, 3 (disorder)|melanoma, cutaneous malignant, susceptibility to, 8|albinism, oculocutaneous, type ib (disorder)
In [12]:
# and here is the histogram
# and here is the histogram
In [13]:
# and the bubble plot
# and the bubble plot
In [ ]:
## You may be interetsed in a given cluster of diseases e.g. the cluster including a disease of interest
cl_id=$(grep "congenital coloboma of iris" min_cont_50_clusters.tsv | cut -f1)
## One common question when you have a group of related disorders is to find out the commonly shared genes
## let's isolate this cluster and find what are the commonly shared genes
DBRetina query --index-prefix disgenetDBR --clusters-file min_cont_50_clusters.tsv --cluster-ids $cl_id -o sel_clust
## You may be interetsed in a given cluster of diseases e.g. the cluster including a disease of interest
cl_id=$(grep "congenital coloboma of iris" min_cont_50_clusters.tsv | cut -f1)
## One common question when you have a group of related disorders is to find out the commonly shared genes
## let's isolate this cluster and find what are the commonly shared genes
DBRetina query --index-prefix disgenetDBR --clusters-file min_cont_50_clusters.tsv --cluster-ids $cl_id -o sel_clust
In [16]:
## The output has the shared genes sorted by frequency in the diseases of interest
## What are the most common shared genes in our cluster of interest?
head sel_clust_features_count_per_group.tsv
## The output has the shared genes sorted by frequency in the diseases of interest
## What are the most common shared genes in our cluster of interest?
head sel_clust_features_count_per_group.tsv
#command: DBRetina query --index-prefix disgenetDBR --clusters-file min_cont_50_clusters.tsv --cluster-ids 40 -o sel_clust feature supergroups_count supergroups actg1 14 macrostomia|highly arched eyebrow|ptosis|pointed chin|baraitser-winter syndrome 2|deafness, autosomal dominant 20|blepharoptosis|progressive sensorineural hearing impairment|fryns-aftimos syndrome|abnormality of the pinna|thin upper lip vermilion|congenital coloboma of iris|long philtrum|long palpebral fissure pax6 10 morning glory syndrome|gillespie syndrome|optic nerve hypoplasia, bilateral|foveal hypoplasia 1|keratitis, hereditary|congenital coloboma of iris|o'donnell pappas syndrome|coloboma of optic disc|hypoplasia of the optic nerve|foveal hypoplasia (finding) actb 6 qualitative abnormality of granulocyte|iris coloboma with ptosis, hypertelorism, and mental retardation|pigmented hairy epidermal nevus|fryns-aftimos syndrome|becker nevus syndrome|juvenile-onset dystonia itpr1 3 spinocerebellar ataxia 29|gillespie syndrome|spinocerebellar ataxia 15 hesx1 3 hypopituitarism and septooptic 'dysplasia'|pituitary hormone deficiency, combined, 1|hypoplasia of the optic nerve pou1f1 2 pituitary dwarfism|pituitary hormone deficiency, combined, 1 rnpc3 2 pituitary dwarfism|isolated growth hormone deficiency, type v spint2 2 intestinal epithelial dysplasia|coloboma of optic disc
In [17]:
# The query function produces a histogram as well
# The query function produces a histogram as well
In [18]:
## Now, let's export the pairwise similarities of the diseases in the cluster of interest to be used in other visualizations (see documentation)
## First, you have to use "filter" to select a set of pairwise similarities to export. Note that the input pairwaise file and the filtering techqniue will impact this set
## Here, we will start from the original "unfiltered" pairwaise file and filter a set of pairwise similarities between all the diseases in the selected cluster
cl_id=$(grep "congenital coloboma of iris" min_cont_50_clusters.tsv | cut -f1)
DBRetina filter --pairwise disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv --clusters-file min_cont_50_clusters.tsv --cluster-ids $cl_id -o sel_clust
DBRetina export --pairwise sel_clust.tsv --dist-type min_cont --newick -o exp_clust
## Now, let's export the pairwise similarities of the diseases in the cluster of interest to be used in other visualizations (see documentation)
## First, you have to use "filter" to select a set of pairwise similarities to export. Note that the input pairwaise file and the filtering techqniue will impact this set
## Here, we will start from the original "unfiltered" pairwaise file and filter a set of pairwise similarities between all the diseases in the selected cluster
cl_id=$(grep "congenital coloboma of iris" min_cont_50_clusters.tsv | cut -f1)
DBRetina filter --pairwise disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv --clusters-file min_cont_50_clusters.tsv --cluster-ids $cl_id -o sel_clust
DBRetina export --pairwise sel_clust.tsv --dist-type min_cont --newick -o exp_clust
[INFO] Filtering the pairwise matrix on the NA column with a cutoff of 0.0 and groups file NA. [INFO] Filtering by groups file Please wait... [SUCCESS] Done. [INFO] serializing the distance matrix to exp_clust_distmat.pkl [INFO] Writing distance matrix to exp_clust_distmat.tsv [INFO] Writing clustermap plot to exp_clust_clustermap.png [SUCCESS] Done.
In [19]:
# The export function produces a heatmap
# The export function produces a heatmap
In [1]:
# Now, let us try another scenario where we already have a list of some how related disorders
# For simulation, we will create this list by selecting any Alzheimer disease in disgenet
grep -i "Alzheimer" disgenet.names | cut -f2 > Alzheimer_rel.lst
# Now, let's filter to select the related set of pairwise similarities but we will use the extended mode of filtering to include any similar diseases to out list
DBRetina filter --pairwise disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv --dist-type jaccard --cutoff 10 -o jaccard_10
DBRetina filter --pairwise jaccard_10.tsv --groups-file Alzheimer_rel.lst --dist-type max_cont --cutoff 25 --extend -o Alzheimer
DBRetina filter --pairwise disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv --groups-file Alzheimer_extended_supergroups.txt -o disgenetDBR_Alzheimer
# Now, let us try another scenario where we already have a list of some how related disorders
# For simulation, we will create this list by selecting any Alzheimer disease in disgenet
grep -i "Alzheimer" disgenet.names | cut -f2 > Alzheimer_rel.lst
# Now, let's filter to select the related set of pairwise similarities but we will use the extended mode of filtering to include any similar diseases to out list
DBRetina filter --pairwise disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv --dist-type jaccard --cutoff 10 -o jaccard_10
DBRetina filter --pairwise jaccard_10.tsv --groups-file Alzheimer_rel.lst --dist-type max_cont --cutoff 25 --extend -o Alzheimer
DBRetina filter --pairwise disgenetDBR_DBRetina_pairwise.tsv --groups-file Alzheimer_extended_supergroups.txt -o disgenetDBR_Alzheimer
[WARNING] Output file jaccard_10.tsv already exists, overwriting ... [INFO] Filtering the pairwise matrix on the jaccard column with a cutoff of 10.0 and groups file NA. [INFO] Filtering the pairwise matrix on the jaccard column with a cutoff of 10.0. [SUCCESS] Done. [WARNING] Output file Alzheimer.tsv already exists, overwriting ... [INFO] Filtering the pairwise matrix on the max_cont column with a cutoff of 25.0 and groups file /home/jovyan/Alzheimer_rel.lst. [SUCCESS] Done. [INFO] Filtering the pairwise matrix on the NA column with a cutoff of 0.0 and groups file /home/jovyan/Alzheimer_extended_supergroups.txt. [INFO] Filtering by groups file /home/jovyan/Alzheimer_extended_supergroups.txt Please wait... [SUCCESS] Done.
In [2]:
# How many Alzheimer disease do we have?
!cat Alzheimer_rel.lst
# How many Alzheimer disease do we have?
!cat Alzheimer_rel.lst
ALZHEIMER DISEASE 18 ALZHEIMER DISEASE 2 ALZHEIMER DISEASE 4 ALZHEIMER DISEASE 9, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO Alzheimer Disease, Early Onset Alzheimer Disease, Familial, 3, with Spastic Paraparesis and Apraxia Alzheimer disease, familial, type 3 Alzheimer Disease, Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease Familial Alzheimer Disease (FAD)
In [3]:
# How many disease similar to Alzheimer do we have?
!cat Alzheimer_extended_supergroups.txt
# How many disease similar to Alzheimer do we have?
!cat Alzheimer_extended_supergroups.txt
acne inversa, familial, 3 alzheimer disease 18 alzheimer disease 2 alzheimer disease 4 alzheimer disease, early onset alzheimer disease, familial, 3, with spastic paraparesis and apraxia alzheimer disease, familial, type 3 alzheimer disease, late onset alzheimer's disease amyloidosis arteriosclerosis behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia cardiomyopathy, dilated, 1u cardiomyopathy, dilated, 1v carotid artery diseases carotid artery plaque carotid atherosclerosis carotid stenosis cerebral amyloid angiopathy cognition disorders complex partial seizures delirium dementia diabetes mellitus, experimental dowling-degos disease familial alzheimer disease (fad) familial dementia frontotemporal dementia hepatolenticular degeneration hidradenitis suppurativa, familial hyperlipoproteinemia type iib hyperlipoproteinemia type iii hypothyroidism impaired cognition learning disabilities lipoprotein glomerulopathy memory disorders memory loss mental deterioration mild cognitive disorder multiple sclerosis, relapsing-remitting pick disease of the brain presenile dementia pustulosis of palms and soles reticulate acropigmentation of kitamura sea-blue histiocyte syndrome semantic dementia splenomegaly
In [4]:
# update the IDs to be from 1 to n where n is the number of diseases in this small file
grep -v "^#" disgenetDBR_Alzheimer.tsv | tail -n+2 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\n";}{print $1 FS $3,$2 FS $4}' | sort -n | uniq | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t";}{print $1,NR,$2}' >
# Collect all pairwise distances of the diseases with high similarity to Alzheimer
grep -v "^#" Alzheimer.tsv | head -n1 > disgenetDBR_Alzheimer_newIds.tsv
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t";}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$2;next;}{if(a[$1]&&a[$2]){$1=a[$1];$2=a[$2];print $0;}}' disgenetDBR_Alzheimer.tsv >> disgenetDBR_Alzheimer_newIds.tsv
# update the IDs to be from 1 to n where n is the number of diseases in this small file
grep -v "^#" disgenetDBR_Alzheimer.tsv | tail -n+2 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\n";}{print $1 FS $3,$2 FS $4}' | sort -n | uniq | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t";}{print $1,NR,$2}' >
# Collect all pairwise distances of the diseases with high similarity to Alzheimer
grep -v "^#" Alzheimer.tsv | head -n1 > disgenetDBR_Alzheimer_newIds.tsv
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t";}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$2;next;}{if(a[$1]&&a[$2]){$1=a[$1];$2=a[$2];print $0;}}' disgenetDBR_Alzheimer.tsv >> disgenetDBR_Alzheimer_newIds.tsv
In [6]:
# enables the %%R magic
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
# enables the %%R magic
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
In [7]:
if (!requireNamespace("RFLPtools", quietly = TRUE))
if (!requireNamespace("pheatmap", quietly = TRUE))
if (!requireNamespace("RFLPtools", quietly = TRUE))
if (!requireNamespace("pheatmap", quietly = TRUE))
In [12]:
dbretina_rel=read.table(file="disgenetDBR_Alzheimer_newIds.tsv" ,skip=0, header=TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "", dec = ".");
dbretina_nodes=read.table(file="", header=FALSE, sep = "\t", quote = "");
dbret_count_matrix = matrix(0, nrow = size, ncol = size)
for (i in 1:dim(dbretina_rel)[1]){
## transform the similarity matrix into distance object (measure the dissimilarity)
dbret_count_dist = sim2dist(dbret_count_matrix, log2(100))
## Transform the dist object back into into matrix
dbret_count_matrix = as.matrix(dbret_count_dist)
rownames(dbret_count_matrix) <- dbretina_nodes$V3
colnames(dbret_count_matrix) <- NULL
colors <- colorRampPalette( rev(brewer.pal(9, "Blues")) )(255) ## specify a blue color palette for painting
#options(repr.plot.width = 4, repr.plot.height = 2)
clustering_distance_rows = dbret_count_dist,
clustering_distance_cols = dbret_count_dist,
col = colors, cellwidth=5,cellheight=8, fontsize_row=7.5,fontsize_col=0)
dbretina_rel=read.table(file="disgenetDBR_Alzheimer_newIds.tsv" ,skip=0, header=TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "", dec = ".");
dbretina_nodes=read.table(file="", header=FALSE, sep = "\t", quote = "");
dbret_count_matrix = matrix(0, nrow = size, ncol = size)
for (i in 1:dim(dbretina_rel)[1]){
## transform the similarity matrix into distance object (measure the dissimilarity)
dbret_count_dist = sim2dist(dbret_count_matrix, log2(100))
## Transform the dist object back into into matrix
dbret_count_matrix = as.matrix(dbret_count_dist)
rownames(dbret_count_matrix) <- dbretina_nodes$V3
colnames(dbret_count_matrix) <- NULL
colors <- colorRampPalette( rev(brewer.pal(9, "Blues")) )(255) ## specify a blue color palette for painting
#options(repr.plot.width = 4, repr.plot.height = 2)
clustering_distance_rows = dbret_count_dist,
clustering_distance_cols = dbret_count_dist,
col = colors, cellwidth=5,cellheight=8, fontsize_row=7.5,fontsize_col=0)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
Last update:
July 8, 2023
Created: July 8, 2023
Created: July 8, 2023