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The modularity command calculates the fragmentation, heterogeneity, and modularity of the groups.

Usage: DBRetina modularity [OPTIONS]

  Compute the modularity of gene sets

  -i, --index-prefix TEXT   Index file prefix  [required]
  -p, --pairwise PATH       pairwise TSV file  [required]
  -c, --cutoff FLOAT RANGE  containment cutoff  [0<=x<=100; required]
  -o, --output TEXT         output file prefix  [required]
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

Command arguments

-i, --index-prefix TEXT Index file prefix [required]

This is the user-defined prefix that was used in the indexing step as an output prefix.

-p, --pairwise PATH the pairwise TSV file [required]

The original or a filtered pairwise TSV file.

-c, --cutoff FLOAT RANGE containment cutoff [0<=x<=100; required]

The -c --cutoff argument uses the Containment metric.

-o, --output TEXT output prefix [required]

The output files prefix.

Output files format


A TSV file that provides information about the fragmentation, heterogeneity, and modularity of the groups. The TSV columns are defined as follows:

group_name The group name (node name)
fragmentation Number of outbound edges from the node (-ve value)
heterogeneity Number of inbound edges to the node
modularity absolute(modularity + heterogeneity)

The higher modularity (low value) indicates a more modular group. Which means that the group is more likely to be a representative group.

Last update: July 9, 2023
Created: July 8, 2023
Authors: mr-eyes