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Querying a DBRetina index

Query a DBRetina index with a set of groups (provided as a single-column file or cluster IDs in a DBRetina cluster file).

Usage: DBRetina query [OPTIONS]

  Query DBRetina index.

  Detailed description:

      Query a DBRetina index with a set of groups (provided as a single-column
      file or cluster IDs in a DBRetina cluster file). Output each feature and
      the associated supergroups.


      1- groups file                    | DBRetina query -i index_prefix -g
      groups_file -o output_prefix

      2- clusters file with cluster IDs | DBRetina query -i index_prefix
      --clusters-file clusters_file --cluster-ids 1,2,3 -o output_prefix

  -i, --index-prefix TEXT  index file prefix  [required]
  -g, --groups-file PATH   single-column supergroups file
  --clusters-file PATH     DBRetina clusters file
  --cluster-ids TEXT       comma-separated list of cluster IDs
  -o, --output TEXT        output file prefix  [required]
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

Command arguments

-i, --index-prefix TEXT Index file prefix [required]

This is the user-defined prefix that was used in the indexing step.

-g, --groups-file PATH single-column supergroups file

This will filter out all pairwise similarities that are between supergroups that are not in the provided groups file. The groups file is a single-column file that contains the names of the supergroups to be included in the filtering.

--cluster-ids TEXT comma-separated list of cluster IDs

The cluster IDs selected from the clusters file. This argument is only used if the clusters file is not provided.

-o, --output TEXT output file prefix [required]

The output prefix that should be unique for this query.

Output files format


A three-columns TSV file containing the feature name, the number of supergroups associated with that feature, and a PIPE-separated list of supergroups associated with that feature.

Last update: July 9, 2023
Created: July 5, 2023
Authors: mr-eyes